Organization of the MBI
You can click on the individual areas to get more information about the organizational units.
Board of Trustees of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Chair: Dr. J. Koch-Unterseher (SenWGPG, Berlin)
Managing Director of the FVB
M. Böhnke
Scientific Advisory Board
Chair: M. Chergui (EPFL, Switzerland)
Executive Assistant
A. Grimm
Division B: S. Eisebitt
Transient Electronic Structure and Nanoscience
B1: Electron and Spin Dynamics
(C. von Korff Schmising)
B2: Imaging and Coherent X-rays
(B. Pfau)
B3: Laser Development
(M. Schnuerer)
B4: Theory for Dynamics in Quantum Materials
(S. Sharma)
Leibniz Junior-Group: Complex Spin Structures in Time and Space
(D. Schick)
Division C: N. Picqué
Precision Physics
C1: Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Molecular Systems
(E. Nibbering)
C2: Solid State Light Sources
(G. Steinmeyer)
C3: Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Solids
(M. Woerner)
Theory-Department: M. Ivanov