The location Berlin-Adlershof

City for science, economy and media

The Max Born Institute is located in Berlin Adlershof, the "city for science, economy and media". Berlin-Adlershof is one of the six major science locations in the Berlin region (as indicated in the adjacent map) and at the same time probably the largest science and technology park in Germany. A total of 11 non-university research institutes work here in close proximity to the scientific institutes of the Humboldt University (HU) in Berlin. About 500 innovative small and medium-sized enterprises are located here. On a total area of ​​420 ha (about 2km x 2km), there is also an important media location, commercial and service space, housing and extensive park and green areas. In total, more than 18,000 people work, research, teach and learn here today. Shops, various restaurants and canteens, as well as hotels and other social infrastructure are available to all institutions on the premises. More ...

The initiative community of non-university research institutions in Adlershof e.V. (IGAFA) is an association of non-university research institutions, which brings the know-how of the institutes with their regional, national and international scientific networks into the construction of the site. The IGAFA operates i.a. also two guest houses (international meeting centers), one in Adlershof and another in Köpenick on the Dahme, reachable by tram in 10 minutes. More ...

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