Good scientific practice

At the Max Born Institute, the rules of good scientific practice are adhered to in the spirit of the recommendations of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (see also DFG).

Specifically, all employees of the MBI are obliged to act in accordance with the MBI Service Instructions for Good Scientific Practice. In the case of suspected violations of the rules of good scientific practice, the corresponding procedural regulation of Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.

In the case of disagreements and disputes about behavior that can be attributed to scientific misconduct, in the interest of mediation and counseling, the ombudsman elected in the Max Born Institute can be contacted:

Dr. Claus-Peter Schulz, Building A, Room 3.08, Tel. 1252, or in case of being prevented, his representative:

Dr. Jens W. Tomm, Building C, Room 3.1, Tel. 1453.

The library of the MBI gladly accepts your documentation on good scientific practice. Please fill out the form (PDF) in advance.