Leibniz Association

The Max Born Institute is a member of the Leibniz Association, which consists of about 90 scientifically, legally and economically independent german research institutes and service facilities. The scientific community Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL) has its historical origin, as the full name is known, in the Blue List and the former academies of the GDR.

The common characteristic, in addition to the co-financing of all institutes by the Federal Government and the Länder, is the supraregional importance and, as a result, forward-looking work in the general interest of the state. The institutes are therefore active in thematically defined fields of research, which usually require long-term research and, because of their scope and / or content, are only of limited use for typical university research.

The institutions in the Leibniz Association cooperate intensively with one another as well as with universities, institutes belonging to other research organisations, business enterprises, state institutions and social organisations at national and international level. The Leibniz Institutes employ about 19,000 people and have a total budget of around 1.9 billion euros.