MBI Staff Member – Personal info


  • Department Head A2 "Ultrafast XUV Physics" huhu
  • Project Coordinator 3.1
  • Member of Project 2.3


We explore ultrafast electron dynamics of photoexcited molecules using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The main goal of the program is experimental investigation of the influence of molecular environment on the excited state relaxation dynamics of biochromophores and biomimetic systems. The experiments are conducted using recently constructed XUV time delay compensating monochromator beamline coupled to a photoelectron spectrometer with a microliquid jet sample delivery system. This setup allows recording photoelectron spectra of relaxing molecules in their natural environment: water, other solvents or protein cages. The setup is also used in combination with the velocity map imaging spectrometer to investigate gas phase molecular dynamics using time-, energy-, and angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy.

Curriculum vitae

2012/present - department head, Max-Born-Institute

2010/2012 - staff scientist, Max-Born-Institute

2006/2010 - postdoctoral fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

2001/2006 - PhD student (Prof. J. Peter Toennies), Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Selforganization, Göttingen

1999/2001 - Master student (Prof. G. G. Vladimirov), St. Peterburg State University, Russia

1995/1999 - Bachelor student (Prof. G. G. Vladimirov), St. Peterburg State University, Russia

MBI Publications

  1. Ultrafast proton transfer pathways mediated by amphoteric imidazole

    M.-A. Codescu, T. Kunze, M. Weiß, M. Brehm, O. Kornilov, D. Sebastiani, E. T. J. Nibbering

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (2023) 4775-4785
  2. Photoelectron spectroscopy of oppositely charged molecular switches in the aqueous phase: Theory and experiment

    E. Ikonnikov, M. Paolino, J. C. Garcia-Alvarez, Y. Orozco-Gonzalez, C. Granados, A. Röder, J. Léonard, M. Olivucci, S. Haacke, O. Kornilov, S. Gozem

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (2023) 6061−6070
  3. Quantifying metabolic activity of Ascaris suum L3 using resazurin reduction

    A. Kundik, Z. D. Musimbi, J. Krücken, T. Hildebrandt, O. Kornilov, S. Hartmann, F. Ebner

    Parasites and Vectors 16 (2023) 243/1-13
  4. Phase dependence of resonant and anti-resonant two-photon excitations

    L. Drescher, T. Witting, O. Kornilov, M. J. J. Vrakking

    Physical Review A 105 (2022) L011101/1-6
  5. Ultrafast proton transfer pathways mediated by imidazole

    M.-A. Codescu, M. Weiß, M. Brehm, O. Kornilov, D. Sebastiani, E. T. J. Nibbering

    Ultrafast Phenomena 2022 Optica Publishing Group (2022) Tu1A.4/1-2
  6. Role of spin-orbit coupling in high-order harmonic generation revealed by supercycle Rydberg trajectories

    N. Mayer, S. Beaulieu, Á. Jiménez-Galán, S. Patchkovskii, O. Kornilov, D. Descamps, S. Petit, O. Smirnova, Y. Mairesse, M. Y. Ivanov

    Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 173202/1-5
  7. Ultrafast relaxation of solvated organic molecules studied by XUV time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

    C. Granados, E. Titov, J. Hummert, E. Ikonnikov, S. Haacke, R. Mitric, O. Kornilov

    Ultrafast Phenomena 2022 Optica Publishing Group (2022) Tu4A.23
  8. Ultrafast X-ray science: general discussion

    F. Allum, F. Calegari, S. M. Cavaletto, M. Centurion, G. Dixit, E. Fasshauer, I. Fischer, R. Forbes, G. Grell, M. Y. Ivanov, A. Kirrander, O. Kornilov, J. Küpper, C. Kuttner, J. Marangos, S. Matsika, A. Maxwell, R. S. Minns, A. Moreno Carrascosa, A. Natan, D. Neumark, A. Odate, A. Oyarzún, A. Palacios, T. Pfeifer, A. Röder, J. M. Rost, A. Rouzée, A. Stolow, E. Titov, P. M. Weber, T. Wolf

    Farady Discussions 228 (2021) 597-621
  9. Time-resolved diffraction: general discussion

    F. Allum, K. Amini, M. Ashfold, D. Bansal, R. J. F. Berger, M. Centurion, G. Dixit, D. Durham, E. Fasshauer, J. P. Figueira Nunes, I. Fischer, G. Grell, M. Y. Ivanov, A. Kirrander, O. Kornilov, C. Kuttner, K. Lopata, L. Ma, V. Makhija, A. Maxwell, A. Moreno Carrascosa, A. Natan, D. Neumark, S. Pratt, A. Röder, D. Rolles, J. M. Rost, T. Sekikawa, M. Simmermacher, A. Stolow, E. Titov, J. C. Tremblay, P. M. Weber, H. Yong, L. Young

    Faraday Discussions 228 (2021) 161-190
  10. A quantum vortex made of atoms

    O. Kornilov

    Science 373 (2021) 1084-1084