Fostering careers of female scientists and technicians
MBI is an equal opportunity employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women in science and technology. This includes outreach activities targeting high school students, providing a family-friendly work environment and fostering the scientific careers of our young scientists.
For children at school age, the Girls Days at MBI offer the possibility to experience science directly and discover own interest in technical professions as well as in science based studies.
Within the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB), we offer dedicated soft skill workshops for female PhD students. MBI supports its female scientists in participating in the mentoring program for female postdocs offered by the Leibniz Society.
All Universities of the Berlin region join in specific measures for supporting young female scientists in the framework of PROFIL. Additional programmes supporting female students and young female scientists exist at the individual universities in Berlin.
MBI and its seven sister research institutes in the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. annually award the Marthe Vogt Award for young female scientists. Details are found here.
Female PhD students with children can apply for support by the Nüsslein-Volhard-Stiftung.
The Dual Career Network Berlin (DCNB) is a project of all universities in Berlin and the Berlin Senate Administration, providing an active network of universities with other research institutions, commercial enterprises and government agencies. It is intended for partners of newly appointed scientists at research institutions, providing support in questions of dual career planning and orientation in Berlin.
Finally, various scientific and professional organizations focus much effort on improving equal opportunities for women and men in science. In particular, this includes the working group on equal opportunities of the German Physical Society, (more here - German), the working group on equal opportunities and diversity of the Leibniz Society (more here) and FemConsult, providing a database of and for female scientists (more here - German).