Application laboratories
Currently available are:
The Berlin Laboratory for innovative X-ray Technologies (BLiX) aims knowledge and technology transfer in this field. Our vision goes beyond the idea of a bilateral, unidirectional transfer from science to industry. BliX is rather supposed to be a place of collaborative technology development in the knowledge triangle of research - innovation - education. BliX is jointly operated by the Technical University Berlin (TU Berlin) and the Max Born Institute (MBI) for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy.
As part of the application laboratories, the MBI concentrates its specific experimental resources in order to ensure the most flexible, versatile and cost-effective use of complex, sophisticated laser systems by internal and external users.
The MBI therefore addresses itself with a differentiated cooperation offer primarily to the following user groups:
Scientists from universities and research institutes, whose field of work is not or not yet ultra-short-time spectroscopy or implies intensive use of appropriate laser systems, should be offered the opportunity to use the laser systems available at the MBI for special investigations resulting ad hoc from their work , In particular, chemists, biologists, physicians and materials researchers are addressed (while physicists will probably increasingly be able to fall back on their own systems in their facilities).
For researchers and industrial developers, this will continue to be attractive as femtotechnology becomes more and more widely used in practice. Here, too, questions can be dealt with in joint projects or, alternatively, in special assignments, which seldom or only occasionally occur in the external group, but for which MBI has appropriate expertise.
Of course, the application laboratories are also suitable for exploratory preliminary studies, which can be used to clarify whether the external user may need to purchase their own system. At the same time, this offers the opportunity to become familiar with ultra-short-time spectroscopy.
Research groups who already have experience in ultra-short-time spectroscopy or with high-field lasers and may also operate their own short-pulse laser systems can make ultrashort or ultra-intense light pulses at the respective technological limit as well as special measuring techniques available. Due to the high cost, these developments, in which the MBI holds a leading position worldwide, can only be realized at a larger institute focused on these tasks, maintained on a long-term basis and made accessible to a larger group of users.
Details can be found in the project descriptions, which are accessible via the project list.
In addition, a standard experimental equipment can be made available for cooperation projects, which is constantly being expanded. Exceeding the standard, experiment-specific optics, measuring technology and facilities for joint research projects are provided by agreement either from the application laboratory, from the MBI Group or the external user. The determination of the measuring times takes place in informal agreement. For interested users, funding can be requested under the EU program "Access to Research Infrastructures" (Laserlab-Europe).