MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Poonam Singh
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Real-time mapping of electric interactions in polar molecular environment using terahertz spectroscopyDissertation Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2024)
- Ultrafast terahertz Stark spectroscopy reveals the excited-state dipole moments of retinal in bacteriorhodopsin PNAS 121 (2024) e2319676121/1-7
- Transient terahertz stark effect: a dynamic probe of electric interactions in polar liquids Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (2023) 5505–5510
- Coherent underdamped polarons in liquid alcohols Ultrafast Phenomena 2022 Optica Publishing Group (2022) W4A.30/1-2
- Coherent polaron dynamics of electrons solvated in polar liquids PNAS Nexus 1 (2022) pgac078/1-8