MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Prof. Dr. Michael Spanner
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Electron correlations and pre-collision in the recollision picture of high harmonic generation Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51 (2018) 134006/1-17
- Alignment dependent enhancement of the photoelectron cutoff for multiphoton ionization of molecules Physical Review Letters 112 (2014) 253001/1-5
- Excited state dynamics in SO2. I. Bound state relaxation studied by time-resolved photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (2014) 204301/1-27
- Signature of the continum electron phase in molecular strong-field photoelectron holography Nature Physics 10 (2014) 594-600
- The multielectron ionization dynamics underlying attosecond strong-field spectroscopies Science 335 (2012) 1336-1340
- Attosecond control of electron correlations in one-photon ionization and recombination Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (2012) 131002/1-6
- Time-resolved holography with photoelectrons Science Express 331 (2011) 61-64
- Generation of single dispersion pre-compensated 1-fs pulses by shaped pulse optimized high-order stimulated raman scattering Recent Advances in Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Proceedings of the "XII VPS Conference" Leo S. Olschki Editore MMIII (2003) 231-237
- Tunable optimal compression of ultrabroadbandpulses by cross-phase modulation Optics Letters 28 (2003) 749-751
- Generation of single dispersion precompensated 1-fs pulses by shaped-pulse optimized high-order stimulated raman scattering Physical Review Letters 88 (2002) 103901/1-4