MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Dr. Alex Harvey

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. UKRmol-scripts: A Perl-based system for the automated operation of the photoionization and electron/positron scattering suite UKRmol+

    K. Houfek, J. Benda, Z. Masin, A. Harvey, T. Meltzer, V. Graves, J. D. Gorfinkiel

    Computer Physics Communications 298 (2024) 109113/1-17
  2. Extracting sub-cycle electronic and nuclear dynamics from high harmonic spectra

    D. R. Austin, A. S. Johnson, F. McGrath, D. Wood, L. Miseikis, T. Siegel, P. Hawkins, A. Harvey, Z. Mašín, S. Patchkovskii, M. Vacher, J. P. Malhado, M. Y. Ivanov, O. Smirnova, J. P. Marangos

    Scientific Reports 11 (2021) 2485/1-8
  3. UKRmol+: A suite for modelling electronic processes in molecules interacting with electrons, positrons and photons using the R-matrix method

    Z. Mašín, J. Benda, J. D. Gorfinkiel, A. G. Harvey, J. Tennyson

    Computer Physics Communications 249 (2020) 107092/1-76
  4. Ultrafast imaging of laser-controlled non-adiabatic dynamics in NO2 from time-resolved photoelectron emission

    M. Richter, Gonzalez-Vazquez, J., Z. Masin, Brambila, D. S., Harvey, A. G., F. Morales, F. Martin

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (2019) 10038-10051
  5. Photoexcitation circular dichroism in chiral molecules

    S. Beaulieu, A. Comby, D. Descamps, B. Fabre, G. A. Garcia, R. Géneaux, A. G. Harvey, F. Légaré, Z. Mašín, L. Nahon, A. F. Ordonez, S. Petit, B. Pons, Y. Mairesse, O. Smirnova, V. Blanchet

    Nature Physics 14 (2018) 484-489
  6. Electron correlations and pre-collision in the recollision picture of high harmonic generation

    Z. Mašín, A. G. Harvey, M. Spanner, S. Patchkovskii, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51 (2018) 134006/1-17
  7. General theory of photoexcitation induced photoelectron circular dichroism

    A. Harvey, Z. Mašín, O. Smirnova

    The Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (2018) 064104/1-9
  8. Role of electronic correlations in photoionization of NO2 in the vicinity of the 2A1/2B2 conical intersection

    D. S. Brambila, A. G. Harvey, K. Houfek, Z. Masin, O. Smirnova

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 19673-19682
  9. Multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules: detecting sub-cycle laser-driven hole dynamics upon ionization in strong mid-IR laser fields, advance article in "Ultrafast Imaging of Photochemical Dynamics"

    B. D. Bruner, Z. Masın, M. Negro, F. Morales, D. Brambila, M. Devetta, D. Faccial`a, A. G. Harvey, M. Ivanov, Y. Mairesse, S. Patchkovskii, V. Serbinenko, H. Soifer, S. Stagira, C Vozzi, N. Dudovich, O. Smirnova

    Faraday Discussions 194 (2016) 369-405
  10. Role of tunnel ionization in high harmonic generation from substituted benzenes

    D. R. Austin, F. McGrath, L. Miseikis, D. Wood, P. Hawkins, A. S. Johnson, M. Vacher, Z. Mašín, A. Harvey, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova, J. P. Marangos

    Faraday Discussions 194 (2016) 349-368