MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Prof. Dr. Horst Schoennagel
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- High temporal contrast front end with CaF2-based XPW temporal filter for high intensity lasers AIP Conference Proceedings 1465 (2012) 13-17
- Limits of the temporal contrast for CPA lasers with beams of high aperture SPIE Proceedings Series 7501 (2009) 750104/1-9
- Broadband amplification of 800 nm pulses with a combination of negatively and positively chirped pulse amplification Journal of Quantum Electronics 12 (2006) 194-200
- Suppression of gain narrowing in multi-TW lasers with negatively and positively chirped pulse amplification Applied Physics B 81 (2005) 1059-1062
- ASE-temporal contrast of 1010 with a double CPA laser Techncal Digest CLEO/QUELS 2005 JFA6 (2005)
- Amplification of down- and up-chirped pusles in Ti:sapphire Conference Digest CLEO/QUELS Europe 2005 CG4-1-WED (2005)
- Double-CPA laser: a way to clean pulses temporally Optics Letters 30 (2005) 923-925
- Spatial and spectral characterization of a laser produced plasma source for EUV metrology Review of Scientific Instruments 75 (2004) 4981-4988
- Characterization of a nonlinear filter for the front-end of high contrast double-CPA Ti:sapphire laser Optics Express 12 (2004) 5088-5097
- "On-line" cleaning of optical components in a multi TW-Ti:Sa laser system Vacuum 76 (2004) 45-49