MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Prof. Dr. Alexander Andreev

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. Double relativistic electron accelerating mirror

    A. A. Andreev, K. Yu. Platonov, S. P. Sadykova

    Applied Sciences 3 (2013) 94-106
  2. Interaction of ultra high intensity laser pulse with structured target and fast particle generation in a stable mode

    A. A. Andreev, K. Yu. Platonov

    Contributions to Plasma Physics 53 (2013) 173–178
  3. Stable laser-ion acceleration in the light sail regime

    S. Steinke, P. Hilz, M. Schnürer, G. Priebe, J. Bränzel, F. Abicht, D. Kiefer, C. Kreuzer, T. Ostermayr, J. Schreiber, A. A. Andreev, T. P. Yu, A. Pukhov, W. Sandner

    Phys. Rev. Special Topics in AB 16 (2013) 011303/1-5
  4. Enhanced proton acceleration by an ultrashort laser interaction with structured dynamic plasma targets

    A. Zigler, S. Eisenman, M. Botton, E. Nahum, E. Schleifer, A. Baspaly, I. Pomerantz, F. Abicht, J. Branzel, G. Priebe, S. Steinke, A. Andreev, M. Schnuerer, W. Sandner, D. Gordon, P. Sprangle, K. W. D. Ledingham

    Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 215004/1-5
  5. Microstructured snow targets for quasi-monoenergetic proton acceleration

    E. Schleifer, E. Nahum, S. Eisenmann, M. Botton, A. Baspaly, I. Pomerantz, F. Abicht, G. Priebe, S. Steinke, A. Andreev, M. Schnuerer, W. Sandner, D. Gordon, P. Sprangle, K.W.D. Ledingham, A. Zigler

    SPIE Proceedings Series 8779 (2013) 87791M-1
  6. Energetic negative ion and atom beam generation at passage of laser accelerated high energy positive ions through a liquid spray

    F. Abicht, R. Prasad, G. Priebe, J. Braenzel, L. Ehrentraut, A. Andreev, P.V. Nickles, M. Schnürer, V. Tikhonchuk, S. Ter-Avetisyan

    SPIE Proceedings Series 8779 (2013) 87790M/1-6
  7. Theory of laser-overdense plasma interactions

    A. A. Andreev

    Laser-Plasma Interactions and Applications, Scottish Graduate Series (2013) 19-45
  8. Effective generation of fast particles and short wavelength radiation from nano-structure targets irradiated by relativistic intensity laser pulse

    A. A. Andreev, G. Priebe, K. Yu. Platonov

    SPIE Proceedings Series 8779 (2013) 87790U/1-8
  9. Energetic beams of negative and neutral hydrogen from intense laser plasma interaction

    F. Abicht, R. Prasad, M. Borghesi, G. Priebe, J. Braenzel, A. Andreev, P. V. Nickles, M. Schnürer, S. Jequier, G. Revet, V. Tikhonchuk, S. Ter-Avetisyan

    Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) 253501/1-6
  10. Charge steering of laser plasma accelerated fast ions in a liquid spray—creation of MeV negative ion and neutral atom beams

    M. Schnuerer, F. Abicht, R. Prasad, M. Borghesi, G. Priebe, J. Braenzel, A. Andreev, P. V. Nickles, S. Jequier, Tikhonchuk, S. Ter-Avetisyan

    Physics of Plasmas 20 (2013) 113105/1-7