Dr. Arnaud Rouzée
+49 30 6392 1240
A1: Strong Field Processes at Extreme Wavelengths
Haus A, 3.10

Department Head A1
Coordinator of Project 2.1 "Time-resolved XUV-science"
Member of project 2.2 "Strong-field few-body physics"
The recent development of ultrashort bursts of short wavelength radiation opens new routes to image molecules and their dynamics with unprecedent spatial and temporal resolution. In our group, we are implementing time-resolved XUV and X-ray imaging techniques in extended systems from polyatomic molecules to clusters to explore the details of multielectron dynamics and electron-nuclear couplings.
"Strong field ionization of atoms and molecules"
"Ultrafast XUV/X-ray & photoelectron imaging"
"Multiphoton XUV and X-ray ionization dynamics"
"Femtosecond and attosecond molecular dynamics"
Curriculum vitae
2014-present: Permanent staff scientist
Project coordinator : 2.3 time-resolved XUV science
Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany.
2011-2014: Postdoctoral Fellow II Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany.
2010-2011: Guest scientist Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany.
2007-2011: Postdoctoral Fellow I FOM institute, AMOLF
2004-2007: Lecturer French CIES Monitor Dijon University
2004-2007: Ph.D. Thesis: "Laser-induced molecular alignment of asymmetric top molecules", Dijon University
MBI Publikationen
- Ultrafast mapping of electronic and nuclear structure in the photo dissociation of nitrogen dioxide Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15 (2024) 12025-12033
- Ultrafast electronic relaxation pathways of the molecular photoswitch quadricyclane Nature Chemistry 5 (2024) online
- Monitoring the evolution of relative product populations at early times during a photochemical reaction Journal of the American Chemical Society online (2024)
- Characterizing the multi-dimensional reaction dynamics of dihalomethanes using XUV-induced Coulomb explosion imaging Journal of Chemical Physics 159 (2023) 144302/1-10
- X-ray induced Coulomb explosion imaging of transient excited-state structural rearrangements in CS2 Nature Communications Physics 6 (2023) 309/1-11
- Shape resonances in angle-resolved photoionization of aligned CF3I molecules Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 56 (2023) 075101/1-14
- Time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: Ultrafast dynamics in CS2 probed at the S 2p edge Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (2023) 7126–7133
- Characterization of laser-induced ionization dynamics in solid dielectrics ACS Photonics 9 (2022) 233–240
- Picosecond pulse shaping for strong three-dimensional field-free alignment of generic asymmetric-top molecules Nature Communications 13 (2022) 1431/1-7
- UV-induced dissociation of CH2BrI probed by intense femtosecond XUV pulses Journal of Physics B 55 (2022) 014001/1-13