Dr. Serguei Patchkovskii
+49 30 6392 1241
T1: Attosecond Theory Group
Haus A, 3.09
MBI Publikationen
- Anisotropy parameters for two-color photoionization phases in randomly oriented molecules: Theory and experiment in methane and deuteromethane Journal of Physical Chemistry A 128 (2024) 1685-1697
- Bidirectional cascaded superfluorescent lasing in air enabled by resonant third harmonic photon exchange from Nitrogen to Argon Physical Review Letters 133 (2024) 063201/1-6
- Attosecond transient interferometry Nature Photonics online (2024) 01556-2/1-9
- Theory of nuclear motion in RABBITT spectra Physical Review A 107 (2023) 043105/1-10
- Chapter One - Frustrated tunneling ionization: building a bridge between the internal and macroscopic states of an atom Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Elsevier, Ed.: L. F. DiMauro, H. Perrin, S. F. Yelin 72 (2023) 1-88
- Influence of nuclear dynamics on molecular attosecond photoelectron interferometry Sciences Advances 9 (2023) eadh7747/1-10
- Quantum electronics enabled by high-field physics Conference proceeding in Optica Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting 2023, Technical Digest Series Optica Publishing Group (2023) paper W1B.7
- Simulation of spatiotemporal light dynamics based on the time-dependent Schrödinger Equation Optics Express 31 (2023) 39941-39952
- Control of spin polarization through recollisions Physical Review A 108 (2023) 043104/1-8
- Enantiosensitive steering of free-induction decay Science Advances 8 (2022) eabq1962 /1-8