MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Relativistic treatment of hole alignment in noble gas atoms

    R. Tahouri, A. Papoulia, S. Carlström, F. Zapata, J. M. Dahlström

    Communications Physics 7 (2024) 344/1-8
  2. Bidirectional cascaded superfluorescent lasing in air enabled by resonant third harmonic photon exchange from Nitrogen to Argon

    Z. Nie, N. Nambu, K. A. Marsh, D. Matteo, C. K. Patel, C. Zhang, Y. Wu, S. Carlström, F. Morales, S. Patchkovskii, O. Smirnova, M. Y. Ivanov, C. Joshi

    Physical Review Letters 133 (2024) 063201/1-6
  3. Control of spin polarization through recollisions

    S. Carlström, J. M. Dahlström, M. Y. Ivanov, O. Smirnova, S. Patchkovskii

    Physical Review A 108 (2023) 043104/1-8
  4. Quantum electronics enabled by high-field physics

    N. Nambu, Z. Nie, K. Marsh, D. Matteo, S. Tochitsky, F. Morales, M. Y. Ivanov, S. Carlstroem, S. Patchkovskii, O. Smirnova, C. Joshi

    Conference proceeding in Optica Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting 2023, Technical Digest Series Optica Publishing Group (2023) paper W1B.7
  5. High-energy bow tie multi-pass cells for nonlinear spectral broadening applications

    C. M. Heyl, M. Seidel, E. Escoto, A. Schönberg, S. Carlström, G. Arisholm, T. Lang, I. Hartl

    Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (2022) 014002/1-9
  6. General time-dependent configuration-interaction singles. I. Molecular case

    S. Carlström, M. Spanner, S. Patchkovskii

    Physical Review A 106 (2022) 043104/1-13
  7. General time-dependent configuration-interaction singles. II. Atomic case

    S. Carlström, M. Bertolino, J. M. Dahlström, S. Patchkovskii

    Physcal Review A 106 (2022) 042806/1-15
  8. Rydberg atomic antenna in strongly driven multielectron atoms

    S. Carlström, J. M. Dahlström, M. Y. Ivanov, S. Patchkovskii

    Physical Review A 106 (2022) 043114/1-7