MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Dipl.-Ing. Simon Rivier

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. 65 fs diode-pumped diffusion-bonded Yb:KY(WO4)2/KY(WO4)2 laser

    A. Schmidt, S. Rivier, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, G. Erbert, A. Gross, V. Wesemann, S. Vernay, D. Rytz

    Electronics Letters 46 (2010) 641-643
  2. Passive mode-locking of acentric Yb-doped borate crystals

    V. Petrov, X. Mateos, A. Schmidt, S. Rivier, U. Griebner, H. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Li, J. Liu

    Laser Physics 20 (2010) 1085-1090
  3. Sub-100 fs single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber mode-locked Yb-laser operation near 1µm

    A. Schmidt, S. Rivier, W. B. Cho, J. H. Yim, S. Y. Choi, S. Lee, F. Rotermund, D. Rytz, G. Steinmeyer, V. Petrov, U. Griebner

    Optics Express 17 (2009) 20109-20116
  4. Diffusion bonding of monoclinic Yb:KY(WO4)2/KY(WO4)2 and its continuous-wave and mode-locked laser performance

    S. Rivier, V. Petrov, A. Gross, S. Vernay, V. Wesemann, D. Rytz, U. Griebner

    Applied Physics Express 1 (2008) 112601/1-3
  5. Infrared spectroscopic and laser characterization of Tm in disordered double tungstates

    J. M. Cano-Torres, X. Han, A. Garcia-Cortés, M. D. Serrano, C. Zaldo, F. J. Valle, X. Mateos, S. Rivier, U. Griebner, V. Petrov

    Materials Science and Engineering B 146 (2008) 22-28
  6. Untersuchung neuartiger Drei-Niveau-Lasermaterialien und - geometrien für effiziente und modensynchronisierte Laserquellen

    S. Rivier

    Dissertation Freie Universität (2008)
  7. Spectroscopy and efficient laser operation near 1.95 mm of Tm3+ in disordered NaLu(WO4)2

    X. Han, J. M. Cano-Torres, M. Rico, C. Cascales, C. Zaldo, X. Mateos, S. Rivier, U. Griebner, V. Petrov

    Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2008) 083110/1-8
  8. Thin-disk Yb:KLu(WO4)2 laser with single-pass pumping

    S. Rivier, X. Mateos, O. Silvestre, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, M. C. Pujol, M. Aguilo, F. Diaz, S. Vernay, D. Rytz

    Optics Letters 33 (2008) 735-737
  9. Diode-pumped femtosecond Yb:NaY(WO4)2 laser

    A. Schmidt, S. Rivier, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, A. Garcia-Cortés, F. Esteban-Betegón, M. D. Serrano, C. Zaldo

    Electronics Letters 44 (2008) 806-807
  10. Continuous-wave and mode-locked operation of diode-pumped Yb:NaY(WO4)2

    A. Schmidt, S. Rivier, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, A. Garcia-Cortes, M. D. Serrano, C. Cascales, C. Zaldo

    SPIE Proceedings 6998 (2008) 69980X (8pages)