MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Pia Johanna Fuertjes
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Compact few-cycle mid-wave and long-wave infrared OPCPADissertation Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2023)
- Pulse shaping in a midwave-IR OPCPA for multi-μJ few-cycle pulse generation at 12 μm via DFG Optics Express 31 (2023) 14096-14108
- Excitation transfer from Cr2+ to Fe2+ ions in co-doped ZnSe as a pumping scheme for infrared solid-state lasers Journal of Electronic Materials 52 (2023) 5166-5171
- Efficient electronic excitation transfer via phonon-assisted dipole-dipole coupling in Fe2+∶Cr2+:ZnSe Physical Review Applied 19 (2023) 054043/1-11
- Few-cycle 65-μJ pulses at 11.4 μm for ultrafast nonlinear longwave-infrared spectroscopy Optica 9 (2022) 1303-1306
- 10-µJ few-cycle 12-µm source based on difference-frequency generation driven by a 1-kHz mid-wave infrared OPCPA Optics Letters 47 (2022) 2891-2894
- Cr:ZnS-based soliton self-frequency shifted signal generation for a tunable sub-100 fs MWIR OPCPA Optics Express 30 (2022) 5142-5150
- Kinetics of excitation transfer from Cr2+ to Fe2+ ions in co-doped ZnSe Optics Letters 47 (2022) 2129-2131
- Compact OPCPA system seeded by a Cr:ZnS laser for generating tunable femtosecond pulses in the MWIR Optics Letters 46 (2021) 1704-1707