MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Franziska Buchner
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Excited-state dynamics of guanosine in aqueous solution revealed by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy: experiment and theory Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015) 31978-31978
- Excited-state relaxation of hydrated thymine and thymidine measured by liquid-jet photoelectron spectroscopy: experiment and simulation Journal of American Chemical Society 137 (2015) 2931-2938
- Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of DNA molecules solutionDissertation Freie Universität (2015)
- Time-, angle- and kinetic-energy-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of highly excited states of NO Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47 (2014) 124016/1-14
- Electrokinetic charging and evidence for charge evaporation in liquid microjets of aqueous salt solution Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (2013) 2422-2428
- Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of adenine and adenosine in aqueous solution Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (2013) 11402-11408
- Coherent wave packet dynamics in photo-excited NaI Ultrafast Phenomena XVIII 41 EDP Sciences (2013) 02027/1-3
- Solvated electrons at the water - air interface: surface versus bulk signal in low kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 5837-5842
- Role of alkali cations for the excited state dynamics of liquid water near the surface Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (2012) 024503/1-10
- Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of liquids Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (2010) 113107/1-6