MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dr. Frank Noack
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Generation of coherent radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet using randomly quasi-phase-matched strontium tetraborate Optics Letters 41 (2016) 618-621
- High-average-power, 50-fs parametric amplifier front-end at 1.55 mm Optics Express 23 (2015) 33157-33163
- Spectral fringes in non-phase-matched SHG and refinement of dispersion relations in the VUV Optics Express 23 (2015) 10091-10096
- Generation of tunable-sub-45 femtosecond pulses by noncollinear four-wave mixing Optics Letters 38 (2013) 486-488
- Ultrafast photo-excitation dynamics in isolated, neutral water clusters Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (2011) 094305/1-10
- GaS0.4Se0.6: relevant properties and potential for 1064 nm pumped mid-IR OPOs and OPGs operating above 5 mm Laser Physics 21 (2011) 774-781
- PbIn6Te10: New nonlinear crystal for three-wave interactions with transmission extending from 1.7 to 25 mm Optical Materials Express 1 (2011) 1286-1291
- High-efficiency single-crystal third-harmonic generation in BiB3O6 Optics Letters 36 (2011) 3627-3629
- Generation of intense sub-20-fs vacuum ultraviolet pulses compressed by material dispersion Optics Letters 36 (2011) 3726-3728
- BaGa4S7: wide-bandgap phase-matchable nonlinear crystal for the mid-infrared Optical Materials Express 1 (2011) 316-320