MBI Staff Member – Personal info
David Weder
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Observation of fluctuation-mediated picosecond nucleation of a topological phase Nature Materials 20 (2021) 30–37
- Laser-induced ultrafast demagnetization and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy reduction in a Co88 Tb12 thin film with stripe domains Physical Review B 202 (2020) 174437/1-12
- Transient Magnetic Gratings on the Nanometer Scale Structural Dynamics 7 (2020) 054501/1-13
- Ultrafast demagnetization dominates fluence dependence of magnetic scattering at Co M edges Physical Review Letters 125 (2020) 127201 /1-5
- Time-resolved investigation of ultrafast magnetization dynamicsDissertation Technische Universität Berlin (2019)
- Multi-color imaging of magnetic Co/Pt multilayers IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (2017) 6500905/1-5
- Multi-color imaging of magnetic Co/Pt heterostructures Structural Dynamics 4 (2017) 014301/1-13
- Generating circularly polarized radiation in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range at the free-electron laser FLASH Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (2017) 053903 /1-9
- Imaging Non-Local Magnetization Dynamics Synchrotron Radiation News 29 (2016) 26-31