MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Christian Neidel

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. Femtosecond laser-induced dissociation (fs-LID) as an activation method in mass spectrometry

    C. Neidel, A. Kuehn, C. P. Schulz, I. V. Hertel, M.W. Linscheid, T. Schultz

    Chemical Physics 514 (2018) 106-112
  2. Attosecond time-resolved experiments - towards biomolecules

    C. Neidel

    Dissertation Freie Universität (2017)
  3. Initial electronic coherence in molecular dissociation induced by an attosecond pulse

    L. Medisauskas, S. Patchkovskii, A. Harvey, D. S. Brambila, C. Neidel, J. Klei, A. Rouzée, M. J. J. Vrakking, M. Yu. Ivanov

    Physical Review A 92 (2015) 053403/1-10
  4. Probing time-dependent molecular dipoles on the attosecond time scale

    Ch. Neidel, J. Klei, C.-H. Yang, A. Rouzée, M. J. J. Vrakking, K. Klünder, M. Miranda, C. L. Arnold, T. Fordell, A. L'Huillier, M. Gisselbrecht, P. Johnsson, M. P. Dinh, E. Suraud, P.-G. Reinhard, C. Despré, M. A. L. Marques, F. Lépine

    Physical Review Letters 111 (2013) 033001/1-5
  5. A heat pipe for nonlinear spectroscopy of water vapour and other moleulces in hollow-core waveguides

    Ch. Neidel

    Diplomarbeit Freie Universität (2007)