MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Martin Galbraith

Nicht mehr am MBI

MBI Publikationen

  1. Comparison of the periodic slab approach with the finite cluster description of metal-organic interfaces at the example of PTCDA on Ag(110)

    J. Banerjee, S. Behnle, M. C. E. Galbraith, V. Settels, B. Engels, R. Tonner, R. F. Fink

    Journal of Computational Chemistry 39 (2018) 844-852
  2. XUV-induced reactions in benzene on sub-10 fs timescale: nonadiabatic relaxation and proton migration

    M. C. E. Galbraith, C. T. L. Smeenk, G. Reitsma, A. Marciniak, V. Despré, J. Mikosch, N. Zhavoronkov, M. J. J. Vrakking, O. Kornilov, F. Lépine

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 19822-19828
  3. Few-femtosecond passage of conical intersections in the benzene cation

    M. C. E. Galbraith, S. Scheit, N. V. Golubev, G. Reitsma, N. Zhavoronkov, V. Despre, F. Lepine, A. I. Kuleff, M. J. J. Vrakking, O. Kornilov, H. Koppel, J. Mikosch

    Nature Communications 8 (2017) 1018/1-7
  4. Communication: XUV transient absorption spectroscopy of iodomethane and iodobenzene photodissociation

    L. Drescher, M. C. E. Galbraith, G. Reitsma, J. Dura-Diez, N. Zhavoronkov, S. Patchkovskii, M. J. J. Vrakking, J. Mikosch

    Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (2016) 011101/1-5
  5. Time-resolved spectroscopy with attosecond pulses and pulse trains: ultrafast relaxation in benzene cations

    M. Galbraith

    Dissertation Freie Universität (2016)
  6. XUV excitation followed by ultrafast non-adiabatic relaxation in PAH molecules as a femto-astrochemistry experiment

    A. Marciniak, V. Despré, T. Barillot, A. Rouzée, M. C. E. Galbraith, J. Klei, C-H. Yang, C. T. L. Smeenk, V. Loriot, Nagaprasad Reddy, S. , A. G. G. M. Tielens, S. Mahapatra, A. I. Kuleff, M. J. J. Vrakking, F. Lépine

    Nature Communications 6 (2015) 7909-7915
  7. Attosecond hole migration in benzene molecules surviving nuclear motion

    V. Despré, A. Marciniak, V. Loriot, M. C. E. Galbraith, A. Rouzée, M. J. J. Vrakking, F. Lépine, A. I. Kuleff

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015) 426-431