4.3 Nanoscale Samples and Optics

Project coordinators: W. Engel

T1: Functional magnetic layer systems

Ferromagnetic layer systems

Custom made sample systems for experiments are developed and produced. For instance, ferromagnetic metallic thin films and multilayers are grown to explore the influence of magnetic and chemical nanoscale inhomogeneities on ultrafast spin dynamics and ultrafast magnetic switching.

Ferrimagnetic layer systems

Ferrimagnetic systems can be tuned via several parameters: exchange coupling, spin-orbit interaction, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, magnetization and compen-sation temperature. The interaction with light depends on these parameters.

Test layer systems

Beside Au mirror coating by thermal evaporation or Ni/Pt multilayer test samples for XFEL, we produce calibration samples with stacked single element layers for e.g. lab-based NEXAFS measurements.

Light blocking and polarisation filter layers

We produce several thin film systems which are used for filter production.

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