Photoinjector drive lasers
An important part of the project is devoted to the development of picosecond lasers at high average power, both in the burst-mode and the quasi-cw operation mode. One major applications of these lasers arise from collaborations with high-energy accelerator and Free Electron Laser projects. MBI has provided the Photo injector drive lasers for for the radio-frequncy guns of electron accelerators and Free Electron Lasers (FELs). Furthermore, MBI develops special lasers for pump-probe experiments at electron accelerator and storage rings, such as the so-called Pump-Probe Laser for FLASH or a special laser for the MAXYMUS microscope te the BESSY storage ring.
4.1 Implementation of Lasers and Measuring Techniques
Project coordinators: U. Griebner, I. Will, F. FurchTopics
In the frame of this topic advanced OPCPA sources generating ultrashort pulses in the near- and mid-infrared wavelength range have been developed. The high energy OPCPA systems have been nearly completed in 2018 and provide record-setting output parameters. The application of these OPCPA sources dedicated for the research in the topical areas 2 and 3 require significant attention to reliability and stability of the systems. This implies that the improvement and engineering of these OPCPA systems is an important and constant theme in this topic.