MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Dr. Zunaira Ansari

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. X-ray powder diffraction with femtosecond time resolution

    F. Zamponi, Z. Ansari, J. Dreyer, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVII Oxford University Press (2011) 340-342
  2. Femtosecond powder diffraction with a laser-driven hard X-ray source

    F. Zamponi, Z. Ansari, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser

    Optics Express 18 (2010) 947-961
  3. Concerted electron and proton transfer in ionic crystals mapped by femtosecond X-ray powder diffraction

    M. Woerner, F. Zamponi, Z. Ansari, J. Dreyer, B. Freyer, M. Prémont-Schwarz, T. Elsaesser

    Journal of Chemical Physics 133 (2010) 064509/1-8 (see also perspective by J. Miller, Physics Today, Vol. 63 (2010), 13-15)
  4. Photoionization in combined ultra short XUV and infrared laser pulses

    H. Rottke, O. Guyétand, M. Gisselbrecht, A. Huetz, P. Agostini, B. Carré, P. Breger, O. Gobert, D. Garzella, J.-F. Hergott, O. Tcherbakoff, H. Merdji, M. Bougeard, M. Böttcher, N. Zhavoronkov, Z. Ansari, W. Sandner, P. Antoine, L.F. DiMauro

    Journal of Physics Conference Series 141 (2009) 12015-12015
  5. Attosecond coincidence spectroscopy of diatomic molecules

    M. Lezius, Z. Ansari, M. Böttcher, B. Manschwetus, W. Sandner, A. Verhoef, G.G. Paulus, A. Saenz, D.B. Milosevic, H. Rottke

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVI Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 92 (2009) 78
  6. Femtosecond hard X-ray plasma sources with a kilohertz repetition rate

    F. Zamponi, Z. Ansari, von Korff Schmising, C., P. Rothhardt, N. Zhavoronkov, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, M. Bargheer, T. Trobitzsch-Ryll, M. Haschke

    Applied Physics A 96 (2009) 51-58
  7. Femtosecond X-ray diffraction study of the ultrafast coupling between magnetization and structure in the ferromagnet SrRuO3

    von Korff Schmising, C., M. Bargheer, A. Harpoeth, N. Zhavoronkov, Z. Ansari, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, I. Vrejoiu, D. Hesse, M. Alexe

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVI Springer (2009) 107-109
  8. Ultrafast magnetostriction and phonon-mediated stress in a photoexcited ferromagnet

    von Korff Schmising, C., A. Harpoeth, N. Zhavoronkov, Z. Ansari, C. Aku-Leh, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, M. Bargheer, M. Schmidbauer, I. Vrejoiu, D. Hesse, M. Alexe

    Physical Review B 78 (2008) 060404(R)/1-4
  9. Complete momentum analysis of multi-photon photo-double ionization of xenon by XUV and infrared photons

    O. Guyétand, M. Gisselbrecht, A. Huetz, P. Agostini, B. Carré, P. Breger, O. Gobert, D. Garzella, J.-F. Hergott,, O. Tcherbakoff, H. Merdji, M. Bougeard, H. Rottke, M. Böttcher, Z. Ansari, P. Antoine, L. DiMauro

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41 (2008) 065601/1-11
  10. Evolution of angular distributions in two-colour, few-photon ionization of helium

    O. Guyétand, M. Gisselbrecht, A. Huetz, P. Agostini, R. Taïeb, A. Maquet, B. Carré, P. Breger, O. Gobert, D. Garzella, J.-F. Hergott, O. Tcherbakoff, H. Merdji, M. Bougeard, H. Rottke, M. Böttcher, Z. Ansari, P. Antoine

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41 (2008) 051002/1-6