MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Dipl.-Phys. Tobias Guenther

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. Femtosecond near-field spectroscopy of single quantum dots

    C. Lienau, T. Guenther, T. Unold, K. Mueller, T. Elsaesser

    SPIE Proceedings 5352 (2004) 16-31
  2. Near-field autocorrelation spectroscopy of disordered semiconductor quantum wells

    C. Lienau, F. Intonti, T. Guenther, T. Elsaesser, V. Savona, R. Zimmermann, E. Runge

    Physical Review B 69 (2004) 085302/1-9
  3. Coherent nonlinear optical response of single quantum dots studied by ultrafast near-field spectroscopy: reply to comment

    Guenther, T., Lienau, C., Elsaesser, T., Glanemann, M., Axt, V.M., Kuhn, T.

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 139702/1
  4. Ultrafast near-field pump-probe spectroscopy of quasi-one-dimensional transport in a single quantum wire

    T. Guenther, K. Mueller, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, S. Eshlagyi, A.D. Wieck

    Ultrafast Phenomena XIII Springer Verlag (2003) 345-349
  5. Femtosekunden-Nahfeldspektroskopie an einzelnen Halbleiterpunkten

    Tobias Günther

    Dissertation Humboldt-Universität (2003)
  6. Coherent nonlinear optical response of single quantum dots studied by ultrafast near-field spectroscopy

    T. Guenther, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, M. Glanemann, V. M. Axt, T. Kuhn, S. Eshlaghi, A.D. Wieck

    Physical Review Letters 89 (2002) 057401/1-4; 179901 (Erratum).
  7. Near-field spectroscopy of disordered nanostructures

    C. Lienau, F. Intonti, T. Guenther, V. Emiliani, T. Elsaesser

    Physica status solidi (b) 234 (2002) 453-462
  8. Minority-carrier kinetics in heavily doped GaAs: C studied by transient photoluminescence

    A. Maaßdorf, S. Gramlich, E. Richter, F. Brunner, M. Weyers, G. Tränkle, J.W. Tomm, Y.I. Mazur, D. Nickel, V. Malyarchuk, T. Guenther, C. Lienau, A. Baerwolff, T. Elsaesser

    Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 5072-78
  9. The impact of defects to minority-carrier dynamics in heavily doped GaAs:C analyzed by transient photoluminescence spectroscopy

    J.W. Tomm, A. Maaßdorf, Y.I. Mazur, S. Gramlich, E. Richter, F. Brunner, M. Weyers, G. Tränkle, V. Malyarchuk, T. Günther, Ch. Lienau

    Materials Science and Engineering B 91-92 (2002) 25-28
  10. Large optical cavity waveguides for high-power diode laser applications

    V. Malyarchuck, J.W. Tomm, T. Günther, R. Müller, R. Kunkel, C. Lienau, J. Luft

    SPIE Proceedings 4287 (2001) 111-7