MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dr. Peter Klopp
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Femtosecond mode-locked semiconductor disk laser Ultrashort Pulse Laser Technology Springer (2016) 47-74
- Harmonically and fundamentally mode-locked InGaAs-AIGaAs disk laser generating pulse repetition rates in the 100 GHz or pulse duration in the 100 fs range SPIE Proceedings Series 8242 (2012) 824205/1-9
- Pulse repetition rate up to 92 GHz or pulse duration shorter than 110 fs from a mode-locked semiconductor disk laser Applied Physics Letters 98 (2011) 071103/1-3
- Time-domain terahertz spectroscopy based on asynchronous optical sampling with femtosecond semiconductor disk laser Electronics Letters 46 (2010) 75-76
- Mode-locked InGaAs-AlGaAs disk laser generating sub-200-fs pulses, pulse picking and amplification by a tapered diode amplifier Optics Express 17 (2009) 10820-10834
- Semiconductor components for femtosecond semiconductor disk lasers grown by MOVPE Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 5187-5190
- 290-fs pulses from a semiconductor disk laser Optics Express 16 (2008) 5770-5775
- Neue Yb-dotierte Lasermaterialien und ihre Anwendungen in modensynchronisierten LasernDissertation Humboldt-Universität (2006)
- Continuous-wave and mode-locked lasers based on cubic sesquioxide crystalline hosts SPIE Proceedings Series 6216 (2006) 62160H/1-14
- Highly efficient mode-locked Yb:Sc2O3 laser Optics Letters 29 (2004) 391-393