MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Peter Elliott

+49 30 6392 1325

B4: Theorie der Dynamik in Quantenmaterialien / B4: Theory for Dynamics in Quantum Materials
Building B, 1.1

MBI Publications

  1. Applicability and breakdown of transient magnetic linear dichroism

    E. I. Harris-Lee, J. K. Dewhurst, P. Elliott, S. Shallcross, S. Sharma

    Physical Review B 108 (2023) L100303/1-6
  2. THz induced giant spin and valley currents

    S. Sharma, P. Elliott, S. Shallcross

    Science Advances 9 (2023) eadf3673/1-18
  3. Computational analysis of transient XMCD sum rules for laser pumped systems: When do they fail?

    S. Sharma, S. Shallcross, P. Elliott, S. Eisebitt, C. von Korff Schmising, J. K. Dewhurst

    Applied Physics Letters 120 (2022) 062409/1-8
  4. Transient Spin Injection Efficiencies at Ferromagnet–Metal Interfaces

    P. Elliott, A. Eschenlohr, J. Chen, S. Shallcross, U. Bovensiepen, J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma

    Advanced Materials Interfaces 20 (2022) 2201233/1-9
  5. Nanomechanical Spectroscopy of 2D Materials

    J. N. Kirchhof, Y. Yu, G. Antheaume, G. Gordeev, D. Yagodkin, P. Elliott, D. B. de Araújo, S. Sharma, S. Reich, K. I. Bolotin

    Nano Letters 20 (2022) 8037-8044
  6. Making a case for femto-phono-magnetism with FePt

    S. Sharma, S. Shallcross, P. Elliott, J. K. Dewhurst

    Science Advances 8 (2022) eabq2021/1-6
  7. Valley control by linearly polarized laser pulses: example of WSe2

    S. Sharma, P. Elliott, S. Shallcross

    Optica 9 (2022) 947-952
  8. Electronic origin of x-ray absorption peak shifts

    S. Shallcross, C. v. Korff Schmising, P. Elliott, S. Eisebitt, J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma

    Physical Review B 106 (2022) L060302/1-6
  9. Ab initio study of ultrafast spin dynamics in Gdx(FeCo)1−x alloys

    J. K. Dewhurst, S. Shallcross, I. Radu, P. Elliott, C. von Korff Schmising, S. Sharma

    Applied Physics Letters 120 (2022) 042401/1-6
  10. Ultrafast optical control over spin and momentum in solids

    S. Shallcross, Q. Z. Li, J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma, P. Elliott

    Applied Physics Letters 120 (2022) 032403/1-6