MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Peter Elliott
+49 30 6392 1325
B4: Theorie der Dynamik in Quantenmaterialien / B4: Theory for Dynamics in Quantum Materials
Building B, 1.1

MBI Publications
- Applicability and breakdown of transient magnetic linear dichroism Physical Review B 108 (2023) L100303/1-6
- THz induced giant spin and valley currents Science Advances 9 (2023) eadf3673/1-18
- Computational analysis of transient XMCD sum rules for laser pumped systems: When do they fail? Applied Physics Letters 120 (2022) 062409/1-8
- Transient Spin Injection Efficiencies at Ferromagnet–Metal Interfaces Advanced Materials Interfaces 20 (2022) 2201233/1-9
- Nanomechanical Spectroscopy of 2D Materials Nano Letters 20 (2022) 8037-8044
- Making a case for femto-phono-magnetism with FePt Science Advances 8 (2022) eabq2021/1-6
- Valley control by linearly polarized laser pulses: example of WSe2 Optica 9 (2022) 947-952
- Electronic origin of x-ray absorption peak shifts Physical Review B 106 (2022) L060302/1-6
- Ab initio study of ultrafast spin dynamics in Gdx(FeCo)1−x alloys Applied Physics Letters 120 (2022) 042401/1-6
- Ultrafast optical control over spin and momentum in solids Applied Physics Letters 120 (2022) 032403/1-6