MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Jean-Jacques Zondy

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. LiGaSe2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser

    V. Vedenyapin, A. Boyko, D. Kolker, L. Isaenko, S. Lobanov, N. Kostyukova, A. Yelisseyev, J.-J. Zondy, V. Petrov

    Laser Physics Letters 13 (2016) 115401/1-4
  2. Singly-resonant optical parametric oscillation based on the wide band-gap mid-IR nonlinear optical crystal LiGaS2

    A. Tyazhev, V. Vedenyapin, G. Marchev, L. Isaenko, D. Kolker, S. Lobanov, V. Petrov, A. Yelisseyev, M. Starikova, J.-J. Zondy

    Optical Materials 35 (2013) 1612-1615
  3. Optical, thermal, electrical, damage, and phase-matching properties of lithium selenoindate

    V. Petrov, J.-J. Zondy, O. Bidault, L. Isaenko, V. Vedenyapin, A. Yelisseyev, W. Chen, A. Tyazhev, S. Lobanov, G. Marchev, D. Kolker

    Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 27 (2010) 1902-1927
  4. Observation of strong cascaded Kerr-lens dynamics in an optimally-coupled cw intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YLF ring laser

    J.-J. Zondy, F. A. Camargo, T. Zanon, V. Petrov, N. U. Wetter

    Optics Express 18 (2010) 4796-4815
  5. LiInSe2 nanosecond optical parametric oscillator tunable from 4.7 to 8.7 mm

    A. Tyazhev, G. Marchev, V. Vedenyapin, D. Kolker, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, J.-J. Zondy, V. Petrov

    SPIE Proceedings Series 7582 (2010) 75820E/1-11
  6. Broadly tunable LiInSe2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Nd:YAG laser

    G. Marchev, A. Tyazhev, V. Vedenyapin, D. Kolker, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, J.-J. Zondy, V. Petrov

    SPIE Proceedings Series 7487 (2009) 74870F/1-9
  7. Nd:YAG pumped nanosecond optical parametric oscillator based on LiInSe2 with tunability extending from 4.7 to 8.7 mm

    G. Marchev, A. Tyazhev, V. Vedenyapin, D. Kolker, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, J.-J. Zondy, V. Petrov

    Optics Express 17 (2009) 13441-13446
  8. Orthorhombic crystals of lithium thioindate and selenoindate for nonlinear optics in the mid-IR

    J.-J. Zondy, V. Petrov, A. Yelisseyev, L. Isaenko, S. Lobanov

    Mid-infrared Coherent Sources and Applications Springer (2008) 67-104
  9. Frequency doubling of CO2 laser radiation at 10.6 mm in the highly nonlinear chalcopyrite LiGaTe2

    J.-J. Zondy, F. Bielsa, A. Douillet, L. Hilico, O. Acef, V. Petrov, A. Yelisseyev, L. Isaenko, P. Krinitsin

    Optics Letters 32 (2007) 1722-1724
  10. Ternary chalcogenides LiBC2 (B = In, Ga; C = S, Se,Te) for mid-IR nonlinear optics

    L. Isaenko, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, P. Krinitsin, V. Petrov, J.-J. Zondy

    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (2006) 2439-2443