MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Esmerando Escoto

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. Propagation effects in the characterization of 1.5-cycle pulses by XPW dispersion scan

    A.Tajalli, M. Ouillé, A. Vernier, F. Böhle, E. Escoto, S. Kleinert, R. Romero, J. Csontos, U. Morgner , G. Steinmeyer, H. M. Crespo , R. Lopez Martens, T. Nagy

    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25 (2019) 5120407/1-7
  2. Advanced phase retrieval for dispersion scan: a comparative study

    E. Escoto, A. Tajalli, T. Nagy, G. Steinmeyer

    Journal of The Optical Society America B 35 (2018) 8-19
  3. Interferometric time-domain ptychography for ultrafast pulse characterization

    J. Hyyti, E. Escoto, G. Steinmeyer, T. Witting

    Optics Letters 42 (2017) 2185-2188
  4. Third-harmonic interferometric frequency-resolved optical gating

    J. Hyyti, E. Escoto, G. Steinmeyer

    Journal of The Optical Society America B 34 (2017) 2367-2375
  5. Pulse retrieval algorithm for interferometric frequency-resolved optical gating based on differential evolution

    J. Hyyti, E. Escoto, G. Steinmeyer

    Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (2017) 103102/1-14