MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Anne Carina Blechschmidt

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. 2D and 3D nanoscale imaging using high repetition rate laboratory-based soft x-ray sources

    H. Stiel, A. Blechschmidt, A. Dehlinger, R. Jung, E. Malm, B. Pfau, C. Pratsch, C. Seim, J. Tümmler, M. Zürch

    X-Ray Lasers 2016, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers Springer, Heidelberg (2018) 265-272
  2. 3D nanoscale imaging of biological samples with laboratory-based soft X-ray sources

    A. Dehlinger, A. Blechschmidt, D. Grötzsch, R. Jung, B. Kanngießer, C. Seim, H. Stiel

    SPIE Proceedings Series, X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications XI 95890L (2015) 95890M-95899