Nikita Khodakovskiy
Nicht mehr am MBI
MBI Publikationen
- Methods of ultra-fast laser contrast diagnostics and optimizationDissertation Freie Universität Berlin (2020)
- Generation of few-cycle laser pulses with high temporal contrast via nonlinear elliptical polarisation rotation in a hollow fibre compressor Laser Physics Letters 16 (2019) 095001/1-5
- Active spectral shaping with polarizationen-coded Ti:sapphire amplifiers for sub-20 fs multi-terawatt systems Laser Physics Letters 15 (2018) 045003/1-8
- Degradation of picosecond temporal contrast of Ti:sapphire lasers with coherent pedestals Optics Letters 41 (2016) 4441-4444
- High peak and average power Ti:sapphire thin disk amplifier with extraction during pumping Optics Letters 41 (2016) 3017-3020