MBI Publikationen
- Ultrafast element- and depth-resolved magnetization dynamics probed by transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy in the soft x-ray range Physical Review Research 4 (2022) L022062/1-7
- High average power OPCPA MIR-systems for coherent soft x-ray generation accessing inner-shell absorption edges of metals SPIE Proceedings Series 11777 (2021) online
- 27 W 2.1 µm OPCPA system for coherent soft X-ray generation operating at 10 kHz Optics Express 28 (2020) 8724/1-10
- Interaction of ultrafast laser pulses with nanostructure surfaces Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry / Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering Elsevier, Kidlington, Oxford, UK (2018) 420-432
- Controlling laser driven protons acceleration using a deformable mirror at a high repetition rate Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and associated Equipment 833 (2018) 191-195
- Concerted manipulation of laser plasma dynamics with two laser pulses SPIE Proceedings Series 10240 (2017) 1024017
- Amplification of coherent synchrotron-like high harmonic emission from ultra-thin foils in relativistic light fields Physics of Plasmas 24 (2017) 080704/1-6
- Direct acceleration in intense laser fields used for bunch amplification of relativistic electrons SPIE Proceedings Series 10240 (2017) 102400G
- Prospects of target nanostructuring for laser proton acceleration Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 44030/1-8
- High peak and average power Ti:sapphire thin disk amplifier with extraction during pumping Optics Letters 41 (2016) 3017-3020