MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Erik Guehrs

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Imaging nanometer phase coexistence at defects during the insulator−metal phase transformation in VO2 thin films by resonant soft X‑ray holography

    L. Vidas, C. M. Günther, T. A. Miller, B. Pfau, D. Perez-Salinas, E. Martínez, M. Schneider, E. Guehrs, P. Gargiani, M. Valvidares, R. E. Marvel, K. A. Hallman, R. F. Haglund, S. Eisebitt, S. Wall

    Nano Letters 18 (2018) 3449-3453
  2. A general approach to obtain soft x-ray transparency for thin films grown on bulk substrates

    M. Fohler, S. Frömmel, M. Schneider, B. Pfau, C. Günther, M. Hennecke, E. Guehrs, L. Shemilt, D. Mishra, D. Berger, S. Selve, D. Mitin, M. Albrecht, S. Eisebitt

    Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (2017) 103701/1-7
  3. Quantification of silver nanoparticle uptake and distribution within individual human macrophages by FIB/SEM slice and view

    E. Guehrs, M. Schneider, C. M. Günther, P. Hessing, K. Heitz, D. Wittke, A. López‑Serrano Oliver, N. Jakubowski, J. Plendl, S. Eisebitt, A. Haase

    Journal of Nanobiotechnology 15:21 (2017) 1-11
  4. Multi-color imaging of magnetic Co/Pt heterostructures

    F. Willems, C. von Korff Schmising, D. Weder, C. M. Günther, M. Schneider, B. Pfau, S. Meise, E. Guehrs, J. Geilhufe, A. El Din Merhe, E. Jal, B. Vodungbo, J. Lüning, B. Mahieu, F. Capotondi, E. Pedersoli, D. Gauthier, M. Manfredda, S. Eisebitt

    Structural Dynamics 4 (2017) 014301/1-13
  5. Experimental evaluations of signal-to-noise in spectro-holography via modified uniformly redundant arrays in the soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet spectral regime

    C. M. Günther, E. Guehrs, M. Schneider, B. Pfau, C. von Korff Schmising, J. Geilhufe, S. Schaffert, S. Eisebitt

    Journal of Optics 19 (2017) 064002/1-11
  6. Holography-guided ptychography with soft Xrays

    P. Hessing, B. Pfau, E. Guehrs, M. Schneider, L. Shemilt, J. Geilhufe, S. Eisebitt

    Opt. Express 24 (2016) 1840-1851