Christian Grebing
Nicht mehr am MBI
MBI Publikationen
- Self-referenced scheme for direct synthesis of carrier-envelope phase stable pulses with jitter below the atomic time unit Springer Proceedings in Physics 125 Springer (2012) 3-8
- Modelocked GaSb disk laser producing 384 fs pulses at 2 µm wavelength Electronics Letters 47 (2011) 454-456
- Direct frequency comb synthesis with arbitrary offset and shot-noise-limited phase noise Nature Photonics 4 (2010) 462-465
- Picosecond passively mode-locked GaSb-based semiconductor disk laser operating at 2 µm Optics Letters 35 (2010) 4090-4092
- Neuartige Konzepte zur Detektion und Kontrolle der Carrier-Envelope Phasendrift ultrakurzer LaserpulseDissertation Humboldt-Universität (2010)
- A linear optical method for measuring the carrier-envelope phase drift Applied Physics B 95 (2009) 273–280
- Performance comparison of interferometer topologies for carrier-envelope phase detection Applied Physics B 95 (2009) 81-84
- Isochronic and isodispersive carrier-envelope phase-shift compensators Applied Physics B 97 (2009) 575-581
- Ablation and structural changes induced in InP surfaces by single 10fs laser pulses in air Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2009) 074907/1-7
- Isochronic carrier-envelope phase-shift compensator Optics Letters 33 (2008) 2704-2706