Freie Universität Berlin has appointed Dr. Sangeeta Sharma as professor in the field of "Theoretical Solid State Physics" on June 26, 2023, in a joint appointment with the Max Born Institute.
A theoretical physicist, Sharma received her PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, in 2000 and, after postdoctoral positions at Uppsala University, Karl Franzens University in Graz, Freie Universität Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics in Halle, was head of a research group at the MPI for Microstructure Physics before moving to a group leader position at the Max Born Institute in 2018. She is an expert in ab initio calculations of the electronic properties of solids, especially during and after interaction with laser pulses. Prof. Sharma is one of the main developers of the ELK program package, which is used worldwide for ab initio calculations using density functional theory. She leads several externally funded projects, among others in the Collaborative Research Center SFB/TRR227 "Ultrafast Spin Dynamics". In the Leibniz Best Minds Program for Women Professors she was successful with her project "Ultrafast charge, spin, and nuclear dynamics in complex magnetic materials", which she will carry out with her team over the next five years. At the Max Born Institute, Prof. Dr. S. Sharma will head the department " Theory for Dynamics in Quantum Materials" in the future. We congratulate Prof. Dr. Sharma to her new position as a professor at the FU Berlin!