MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dr. Volker Stert
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Ultrafast processes in OCIO molecules excited by femtosecond laser pulses at 386-409 nm Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (2006) 124312/1-6
- Control of breaking strong versus weak bonds of BaFCH3 by femtosecond IR + VIS laser pulses: theory and experiment Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 6 (2004) 4283-4295
- Comparison of ultrafast photoinduced processes in indole(NH3)n and indole(H2O)4 clusters Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science Elsevier (2004) 49-52
- Photoinduced hydrogen transfer dynamics in indole-ammonia clusters at different excitation energies Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 6 (2004) 2718-2724
- Theoretical study of the hydrogen atom transfer in the heterodimer indole-ammonia and comparison with experimental results Journal of Chemical Physics 120 (2004) 3619-3629
- Femtosecond time-resolved dynamics of the electronically excited ethylene molecule Chemical Physics Letters 388 (2004) 144-149
- Indole(NH3)n clusters: Hydrogen atom transfer initiated by femtosecond laser pulses Ultrafast Phenomena Springer Verlag (2003) 110-112
- Analysis of hydrogen atom transfer in photoexcited indole(NH3)n clusters by femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry A 107 (2003) 8239-8250
- Isotope effect of the photoinduced H(D)-transfer reaction in indole-ammonia clusters Chemical Physics Letters 371 (2003) 208-216
- Ultrafast photoinduced processes in indole-water clusters Chemical Physics Letters 376 (2003) 40-48