MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Katrin Adamczyk

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. Real-time observation of the formation of excited radical ions in bimolecular photoinduced charge separation: absence of the Marcus inverted region explained

    M. Koch, A. Rosspeintner, K. Adamczyk, B. Lang, J. Dreyer, E. T. J. Nibbering, E. Vauthey

    Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 9843–9848
  2. Ultrafast proton coupled electron transfer (PCET) dynamics in 9-anthranol-aliphatic amine system

    H. Ghosh, K. Adamczyk, S. Verma, J. Dreyer, E. T. J. Nibbering

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVIII EDP Sciences (2013) 08003/1-3
  3. Photoinduced proton coupled electron transfer in 2-(2’-hydroxyphenyl)-benzothiazole

    S. Luber, K. Adamczyk, E. T. J. Nibbering, V. S. Batista

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (2013) 5269–5279
  4. On the role of hydrogen bonds in photoinduced electron-transfer dynamics between 9-fluorenone and amine solvents

    H. N. Ghosh, K. Adamczyk, S. Verma, J. Dreyer, E. T. J. Nibbering

    Chemistry - A European Journal 18 (2012) 4930-4937
  5. Ultrafast generation of aqueous carbonic adic

    K. Adamczyk, M. Prémont-Schwarz, D. Pines, E. Pines, E. T. J. Nibbering

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVII Oxford University Press (2011) 478-480
  6. Tracking the pathway of an ultrafast bimolecular electron transfer reaction

    K. Adamczyk, N. Banerji, D. Villamaina, J. Dreyer, B. Lang, E. T. J. Nibbering, E. Vauthey

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVII Oxford University Press (2011) 376-378
  7. Ultrafast charge transfer processes in solution

    K. Adamczyk

    Dissertation Humboldt-Universität (2010)
  8. Aqueous proton transfer pathways in bimolecular acid-base neutralization

    O. F. Mohammed, K. Adamczyk, D. Pines, E. Pines, E. T. J. Nibbering

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVI Springer (2009) 622-624
  9. Direct femtosecond observation of tight and loose ion pairs upon photoinduced bimolecular electron transfer

    O. F. Mohammed, K. Adamczyk, N. Banerji, J. Dreyer, B. Lang, E. T. J. Nibbering, E. Vauthey

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVI Springer (2009) 613-615
  10. Real-time observation of carbonic acid formation in aqueous solution

    K. Adamczyk, M. Prémont-Schwarz, D. Pines, E. Pines, E. T. J. Nibbering

    Science 326 (2009) 1690-1694