MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Dipl.-Chem. Benjamin Koeppe

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. Polar solvent fluctuations drive proton transfer in hydrogen bonded complexes of carboxylic acid with pyridines: NMR, IR and ab initio MD study

    B. Koeppe, S. A. Pylaeva, C. Allolio, D. Sebastiani, E. T. J. Nibbering, G. S. Denisov, H.-H. Limbach, P. M. Tolstoy

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 1010-1028
  2. Correlating photoacidity to hydrogen-bond structure by using the local O-H stretching probe in hydrogen-bonded complexes of aromatic alcohols

    B. T. Psciuk, M. Prémont-Schwarz, B. Koeppe, S. Keinan, D. Xiao, E. T. J. Nibbering, V. S. Batista

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (2015) 4800- 4812
  3. Ultrafast IR spectroscopy of O-H stretching modes in 2-naphthol-acetonitrile photoacid-base complexes

    B. T. Psciuk, M. Prémont-Schwartz, B. Koeppe, S. Keinan, D. Xiao, V. S. Batista, E. T. J. Nibbering

    Ultrafast Phenomena XIX Springer (2015) 483-486
  4. NMR and FT-IR studies on the association of derivatives of thymidine, adenosine, and 6-N-methyl-adenosine in aprotic solvents

    B. Koeppe, E. T. J. Nibbering, P. M. Tolstoy

    Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 227 (2013) 723-749
  5. N-H stretching excitations in adenosine-thymidine base pairs in solution: Pair geometries, infrared line shapes and ultrafast vibrational dynamics

    C. Greve, N. K. Preketes, H. Fidder, R. Costard, B. Koeppe, I. A. Heisler, S. Mukamel, F. Temps, E. T. J. Nibbering, T. Elsaesser

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (2013) 594-606
  6. Ultrafast IR pump-probe and 2D-IR photon echo spectroscopy of adenosine-thymidine base pairs

    C. Greve, N. K. Preketes, R. Costard, B. Koeppe, H. Fidder, E. T. J. Nibbering, F. Temps, S. Mukamel, T. Elsaesser

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVIII EDP Sciences (2013) 05019/1-3
  7. N-H streching modes of adenosine monomer in solution studied by ultrafast nonlinear infrared spectroscopy and Ab Initio calculations

    C. Greve, N. K. Preketes, R. Costard, B. Koeppe, H. Fidder, E. T. J. Nibbering, F. Temps, S. Mukamel, T. Elsaesser

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (2012) 7636-7644
  8. Two-dimensional UV-vis/NMR correlation spectroscopy: A heterospectral signal assignment of hydrogen-bonded complexes

    B. Koeppe, P. M. Tolstoy, J. Guo, E. T. J. Nibbering, T. Elsaesser

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (2011) 1106-1110
  9. Reaction pathways of proton transfer in hydrogen-bonded phenol-carboxylate complexes explored by combined UV-VIS and NMR Spectroscopy

    B. Koeppe, P. M. Tolstoy, H.-H. Limbach

    Journal of American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 7897-7908
  10. Photochemistry of Anthracene-9,10-endoperoxide

    H. Fidder, A. Lauer, W. Freyer, B. Koeppe, K. Heyne

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (2009) 6289-6296