MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dipl.-Phys. Thomas Hansel

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Anwendung ultrakurzer Laserpulse in der digital-holographischen Interferometrie

    T. Hansel

    Dissertation Humboldt-Universität (2010)
  2. Deformation measurements of high speed MEMS with sub-picosecond pulses using combined digital holographic two-wavelength contouring and single phase reconstruction

    T. Hansel, U. Griebner, J. Bonitz, C. Kaufmann

    SPIE Proceedings 7362 (2009) 736219/1-12
  3. Deformation measurements of high-speed MEMS with combined two-wavelength single-pulse digital holography and single phase reconstruction using subpicosecond pulses

    T. Hansel, R. Grunwald, K. Reimann, J. Bonitz, C. Kaufmann, U. Griebner

    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 15 (2009) 1351-1358
  4. Time-resolved two-wavelength contouring of adaptive fluidic PDMS-lenses

    T. Hansel, R. Grunwald, G. Steinmeyer, U. Griebner, F. Schneider, U. Wallrabe

    SPIE Proceedings 7358 (2009) 735809/1-9
  5. Synthesized femtosecond laser pulse source for two-wavelength contouring with simultaneously recorded digital holograms

    T. Hansel, G. Steinmeyer, R. Grunwald, C. Falldorf, J. Bonitz, C. Kaufmann, V. Kebbel, U. Griebner

    Optics Express 17 (2009) 2686-2695
  6. Ultrashort pulse dual-wavelength source for digital holographic two-wavelength contouring

    T. Hansel, von Kopylow, C., J. Müller, C. Falldorf, W. Jüptner, R. Grunwald, G. Steinmeyer, U. Griebner

    Applied Physics B 89 (2007) 513-516