MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Marcus Rohloff

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) on dielectrics and semiconductors upon double-femtosecond laser pulse irradiation sequences

    S. Höhm, M. Rohloff, J. Krüger, J. Bonse, A. Rosenfeld

    Progress in Nonlinear Nano-Optics Springer (2015) 85-99
  2. Dynamics of the formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures on dielectrics and semiconductors upon femtosecond laser pulse irradiation sequences

    S. Höhm, M. Rohloff, A. Rosenfeld, J. Krüger, J. Bonse

    Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing 110 (2013) 553-557
  3. Formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures on fused silica upon multiple parallel polarized double-femtosecond-laser-pulse irradiation sequences

    A. Rosenfeld, M. Rohloff, S. Höhm, J. Krüger, J. Bonse

    Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 9233-9236
  4. Formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures on fused silica upon multiple cross-polarized double-femtosecond-laser-pulse irradiation sequences

    M. Rohloff, S. K. Das, S. Höhm, R. Grunwald, A. Rosenfeld, J. Krüger, J. Bonse

    Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2011) 014910/1-4
  5. Erzeugung laserinduzierter periodischer Oberflächenstrukturen mit Femtosekunden-Doppelpulsen

    M. Rohloff

    Diplomarbeit Fachhochschule (2011)