MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Jivesh Kaushal

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Looking inside the tunnelling barrier III: spin polarisation in strong field ionisation from orbitals with high angular momentum

    J. Kaushal, O. Smirnova

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51 (2018) 174003/1-12
  2. Ultrafast preparation and detection of ring currents in single atoms

    S. Eckart , M. Kunitski, M. Richter, A. Hartung, J. Rist, F. Trinter, K. Fehre, N. Schlott, K. Henrichs, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, M. Schöffler, Kunlong Liu, I. Barth, J. Kaushal, F. Morales, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova, R. Dörner   

    Nature Physics 14 (2018) 701–704
  3. Looking inside the tunnelling barrier: I. Strong field ionisation from orbitals with high angular momentum in circularly polarised fields

    J. Kaushal, O. Smirnova

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51 (2018) 174001/1-16
  4. Looking inside the tunnelling barrier: II. Co- and counter-rotating electrons at the ‘tunnelling exit’

    J. Kaushal, O. Smirnova

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51 (2018) 174002/1-15
  5. Attosecond Ionisation Dynamics in Long Range Potentia

    J. Kaushal

    Dissertation Technische Universität Berlin (2016)
  6. Interpreting attoclock measurements of tunnelling times

    L. Torlina, F. Morales, J. Kaushal, I. Ivanov, A. Kheifets, A. Zielinski, A. Scrinzi, H. G. Muller, S. Sukiasyan, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova

    Nature Physics 11 (2015) 503-508
  7. Spin–orbit Larmor clock for ionization times in one-photon and strong-field regimes

    J. Kaushal, F. Morales, L.Torlina, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48 (2015) 234002/1-14
  8. Opportunities for detecting ring currents using an attoclock setup

    J. Kaushal, F. Morales, O. Smirnova

    Physical Review A 92 (2015) 063405/1-10
  9. Nonadiabatic Coulomb effects in strong-field ionization in circularly polarized laser fields

    J. Kaushal, O. Smirnova

    Physical Review A 88 (2013) 013421/1-20
  10. Time-resolving electron-core dynamics during strong-field ionization in circularly polarized fields

    L. Torlina, J. Kaushal, O. Smirnova

    Physical Review A 88 (2013) 053403/1-8