Dr. Azize Koc
+49 30 6392 1476
C3: Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Solids
Haus C, 1.1

MBI Publikationen
- Quantum pathways of carrier and coherent phonon excitation in bismuth Physical Review B 107 (2023) L180303/1-6
- Underdamped longitudinal soft mode dynamics in KDP observed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction Ultrafast Phenomena 2022 Optica Publishing Group (2022) Th4A.34/1-2
- Underdamped longitudinal soft modes in ionic crystallites - lattice and charge motions observed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction Structural Dynamics 9 (2022) 024501/1-10
- Compact high-flux hard X-ray source driven by femtosecond mid-infrared pulses at a 1 kHz repetition rate Optics Letters 46 (2021) 210-213
- Multi-millijoule, few-cycle 5 μm OPCPA at 1 kHz repetition rate Optics Letters 45 (2020) 5998-6001
- 2.05 μm chirped pulse amplification system at a 1 kHz repetition rate—2.4 ps pulses with 17 GW peak power Optics Letters 45 (2020) 3836-3839