MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Anke Schmidt

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Carbon nanostructures for femtosecond mode-locked lasers in the 1.0 to 2.1 micrometer wavelength range

    A. Schmidt

    Dissertation Humboldt-Universität (2015)
  2. Crystal growth, optical spectroscopy, and continuous-wave laser operation of co-doped (Ho,Tm):KLu(WO4)2 monoclinic crystals

    V. Jambunathan, A. Schmidt, X. Mateos, M. C. Pujol, U. Griebner, V. Petrov, C. Zaldo, M. Aguiló, F. Díaz

    Journal of The Optical Society America B 31 (2014) 1415-1421
  3. Sub-100-fs Cr:YAG laser mode-locked by monolayer graphene saturable absorber

    Di Dio Cafiso, S. D., E. Ugolotti, A. Schmidt, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, A. Agnesi, W. B. Cho, B. H. Jung, F. Rotermund, S. Bae, B. H. Hong, G. Reali, F. Pirzio

    Optics Letters 38 (2013) 1745-1747
  4. Sub-50-fs mode-locking of a Cr:YAG laser using an SWCNT-SA

    Di Dio Cafiso, S. D., E. Ugolotti, A. Schmidt, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, A. Agnesi, W. B. Cho, Y. G. Zhang, S. Y. Choi, F. Rotermund, G. Reali, F. Pirzio

    Laser Physics Letters 10 (2013) 085801/1-3
  5. Graphene mode-locked femtosecond Yb:KLuW laser

    E. Ugolotti, A. Schmidt, V. Petrov, J. W. Kim, D.-I. Yeom, F. Rotermund, S. Bae, B. H. Hong, A. Agnesi, C. Fiebig, G. Erbert, X. Mateos, M. Aguiló, F. Díaz, U. Griebner

    Applied Physics Letters 101 (2012) 161112/1-4
  6. 175 fs Tm:Lu2O3 laser at 2.07 µm mode-locked using single-walled carbon nanotubes

    A. Schmidt, P. Koopmann, G. Huber, P. Fuhrberg, S. Y. Choi, D.-I. Yeom, F. Rotermund, V. Petrov, U. Griebner

    Optics Express 20 (2012) 5313-5318
  7. Femtosecond pulses near 2 µm from a Tm:KLuW laser mode-locked by a single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber

    A. Schmidt, S. Y. Choi, D.-Il Yeom, F. Rotermund, X. Mateos, M. Segura, F. Díaz, V. Petrov, U. Griebner

    Applied Physics Express 5 (2012) 092704/1-3
  8. Mode-locking of solid-state lasers by single-walled carbon-nanotube based saturable absorbers

    F. Rotermund, W. B. Cho, S. Y. Choi, I. H. Baek, J. H. Yim, S. Lee, A. Schmidt, G. Steinmeyer, U. Griebner, D.-I. Yeom, K. Kim, V. Petrov

    Quantum Electronics 42 (2012) 663-670
  9. Role of spin-flip exchange scattering for hot-electron lifetimes in cobalt

    A. Goris, K. M. Döbrich, I. Panzer, A. B. Schmidt, M. Donath, M. Weinelt

    Physical Review Letters 107 (2011) 026601/1-4
  10. Pulsed 2-micron lasers based on Tm3+-doped monoclinic double tungstate crystals

    X. Mateos, M. Segura, W. B. Cho, A. Schmidt, F. Rotermund, M. C. Pujol , J. J. Carvajal, M. Aguiló, F. Díaz, V. Panyutin, U. Griebner, V. Petrov

    SPIE Proceedings Series 8039 (2011) 803902/1-9