MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Radloff

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Ultrafast photo-excitation dynamics in isolated, neutral water clusters

    H. T. Liu, J. P. Müller, M. Beutler, M. Ghotbi, F. Noack, W. Radloff, N. Zhavoronkov, C. P. Schulz, I. V. Hertel

    Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (2011) 094305/1-10
  2. Excimer states in microhydrated adenine clusters

    V. R. Smith, E. Samoylova, H.-H. Ritze, W. Radloff, T. Schultz

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (2010) 9632-9636
  3. Observation of proton transfer in 2-aminopyridine dimer by electron and mass spectroscopy

    E. Samoylova, W. Radloff, H.-H. Ritze, Th. Schultz

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (2009) 8195–8201
  4. Analysis of ultrafast relaxation in photoexcited DNA base pairs of adenine and thymine

    E. Samoylova, T. Schultz, I. V. Hertel, W. Radloff

    Chemical Physics 347 (2008) 376-382
  5. Electronic structure of Adenine and Thymine base pairs studied by femtosecond electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy

    N. Gador, E. Samoylova, V. R. Smith, A. Stolow, D. M. Rayner, W. Radloff, I. V. Hertel, T. Schultz

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (2007) 11743-11749
  6. Photochemistry and dynamics of base pairs

    E. Samoylova, V. R. Smith, H.-H. Ritze, W. Radloff, I. V. Hertel, T. Schultz

    Femtochemistry VII: Fundamental Ultrafast Processes in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology Elsevier (2006) 367-372
  7. Ultrafast dynamics in isolated molecules and molecular clusters

    I. V. Hertel, W. Radloff

    Reports on Progress in Physics 69 (2006) 1897-2003
  8. Ultrafast processes in OCIO molecules excited by femtosecond laser pulses at 386-409 nm

    V. Stert, H.-H. Ritze, I. V. Hertel, W. Radloff

    Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (2006) 124312/1-6
  9. Ultrafast deactivation processes in aminopyridine clusters: Excitation energy dependence and isotope effects

    E. Samoylova, V. R. Smith, H.-H. Ritze, W. Radloff, M. Kabelac, T. Schultz

    Journal of American Chemical Society 128 (2006) 15652-15656
  10. Dynamics of photoinduced processes in adenine and thymine base pairs

    E. Samoylova, H. Lippert, S. Ullrich, I. V. Hertel, W. Radloff, T. Schultz

    Journal of American Chemical Society 127 (2005) 1782-1786