Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Radloff
Nicht mehr am MBI
MBI Publikationen
- Femtosecond photodissociation dynamics of HNO3 after excitation of the S3 state at 200 nm Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics 71 (2000) 385-390
- Ultrafast internal conversion and photodissociation of molecules excited by femtosecond 155nm laser pulses The Journal of Chemical Physics 111 (1999) 6264-6270
- Ultrafast predissociation and coherent phenomena in CS2 excited by femtosecond laser pulses at 194...207nm The Journal of Chemical Physics 111 (1999) 5338-5343
- Ultrafast dynamics and energetics of the intracluster harpooning reaction in Ba...FCH3 Chemical Physics Letters 304 (1999) 127-133
- Femtosecond photodissociation dynamics of CF2I2 at 267 nm Proceedings of Lasers '98 STS Press Mc Lean, VA (1999) 72-77
- Ultrafast photodissociation of methyl nitrite excited to the S2 state Chemical Physics Letters 303 (1999) 521-525
- Vibrational wave packet motion in I2 excited with femtosecond pulses in the 200 nm wavelength region Chemical Physics Letters 307 (1999) 1-7
- Real-time observation of hydrogen transfer: Femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in excited ammonia dimer The Journal of Chemical Physics 111 (1999) 633-642
- Ultrafast photodissociation dynamics in electronically excited CF2I2 molecules The European Physical Journal D 9 (1999) 405-406
- Real-time study of the femtosecond harpooning reaction of Ba...FCH3 Physical Review A, RC 59 (1999) R1727-1730