MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Prof. Dr. Ryuichi Komatsu

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Growth of transparent SrB4O7 single crystal and its new applications

    R. Komatsu, H. Kawano, Z. Oumaru, K. Shinoda, V. Petrov

    Journal of Crystal Growth 275 (2005) e843-e847
  2. Application of the nonlinear crystal SrB4O7 for ultrafast diagnostics converting to wavelengths as short as 125 nm

    V. Petrov, F. Noack, D. Shen, F. Pan, G. Shen, X. Wang, R. Komatsu, V. Alex

    Optics Letters 29 (2004) 373-375
  3. Optical properties of a new nonlinear borate crystal LiRbB4O7

    R. Komatsu, Y. Ono, T. Kajitani, F. Rotermund, V. Petrov

    Journal of Crystal Growth 257 (2003) 165-168
  4. Frequency conversion of Ti:sapphire based femtosecond laser systems to the 200-nm spectral region using nonlinear optical crystals

    V. Petrov, F. Rotermund, F. Noack, J. Ringling, O. Kittelmann, R. Komatsu

    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 5 (1999) 1532-1542
  5. Temperature tuned noncritical phase-matching in Li2B4O7 for generation of cw laser radiation at 244 nm

    V. Petrov, R. Komatsu, T. Sugawara

    Electronics Letters 35 (1999) 721-722
  6. Growth and UV nonlinear properties of optical-grade lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals

    R. Komatsu, T. Sugawara, N. Watanabe, S. Uda, V. Petrov

    The Review of Laser Engineering 27 (1999) 541-546
  7. Vacuum ultraviolet application of Li2B4O7 crystals: generation of 100 fs- pulses down to 170 nm

    V. Petrov, F. Rotermund, F. Noack, R. Komatsu, T. Sugawara, S. Uda

    Journal of Applied Physics 84 (1998) 5887-5892