MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Karyna Lamonova

+49 30 6392 1388

B4: Theorie der Dynamik in Quantenmaterialien / B4: Theory for Dynamics in Quantum Materials
Haus B, 3.4

MBI Publikationen

  1. ZnSe:(Cr,Fe) laser crystal matrices: Challenges related to doping

    K. V. Lamonova, S. Orel, A. Prokhorov, N. Kovalenko, M. Schmidbauer , A. Kwasniewski, Y. Kazarinov, J. W. Tomm

    Optical Materials X 22 (2024) 100321/1-9
  2. Ligand hyperfine coupling and electron structure features in the EPR spectra of Cu-doped multicomponent borate crystals: an interpretation based on the concept of the Jahn–Teller effect

    A. Prokhorov, K. Lamonova, R. Minikayev, J. Lančok, A. Prokhorov

    European Physical Journal Plus 137 (2022) 1349/1-12