
Lorenz Drescher has been awarded one of the 2021 Carl-Ramsauer Awards from the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin (PGzB) for his…

Materials consisting of a few atomic layers display properties determined by quantum physics. In a stack of such layers, vibrations of the atoms can…

The American Chemical Society (ACS) has awarded Thomas Elsaesser the Ahmed Zewail Award 2022. The prize is named after Ahmed Zewail, a pioneer of…

Antiferromagnets are magnetically ordered, but their magnetization exactly cancels out. That is why even their discoverer, Nobel laureate Louis Néel,…

All electronic devices around us, including the one you are using to read this, utilize the charge of an electron for storing and processing…

X-rays are a powerful tool for imaging objects. X-ray microscopes provide the ability to penetrate through matter and to resolve tiny features that…

An international team of researchers has demonstrated a new concept for the generation of intense extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) radiation by high-harmonic…

A research team of the Institute of Physics of the Humboldt University of Berlin together with cooperation partners Max Born Instituts (Berlin) and…

Smaller, faster, more energy-efficient: future requirements to computing and data storage are hard to fulfill and alternative concepts are…

Most people associate terahertz radiation from airport scanners. These radiations can, however, unleash a bag full of surprises when used to…

In a joint effort, researchers from the Humboldt-Universität (Berlin), the Max Born Institute (Berlin) and the University of Central Florida (USA),…

Ionization of water molecules by light generates free electrons in liquid water. After generation, the so-called solvated electron is formed, a…

The European XFEL Young Scientist Award recognizes outstanding contributions of young researchers in the early stages of their career to research at…

Researchers from the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI) have developed a new method to modify the spectral…

Femtosecond hard X-ray pulses are an important tool for unraveling structure changes of condensed matter on atomic length and time scales. A novel…

Density functional theory (DFT) has had a tremendous impact on solid-state physics and is, due to its computational efficiency, at the heart of modern…