
Felix Willems received the Ernst-Eckhard-Koch Award 2019 for his PhD thesis on ultrafast magnetization dynamics.

A team led by researchers from the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI), Laser-Laboratorium Göttingen (LLG) and…

Light is the fastest way to distinguish right- and left-handed chiral molecules, which has important applications in chemistry and biology. However,…

A collaborative ultrafast spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations study, as recently published by scientists of the Max Born…

Topological insulators are quantum materials, which, due to their exotic electronic structure, on surfaces and edges conduct electric current like…

OISTR, the fastest mechanism for coherent control of spins with light in multi-sublattice systems, could now be tested experimentally by  manipulating…

Probing magnetic materials with extreme ultraviolet radiation allows to obtain a detailed microscopic picture of how magnetic systems interact with…

When exposed to intense laser pulses, the magnetization of a material can be manipulated very fast. Fundamentally, magnetization is connected to the…

For the second time, an ERC Advanced Grant has been awarded to Prof. Thomas Elsaesser of the Max Born Institute and Humboldt University in Berlin.

In analogy to the amplification of light in a laser, vibrations of a semiconductor crystal, so called phonons, were enhanced by interaction with an…

Aspirin is not only an important drug but also an interesting physics model system in which molecular vibrations and electrons are coupled in a…

When molecules interact with the oscillating field of a laser, an instantaneous, time-dependent dipole is induced. This very general effect underlies…

Pairs of negatively charged phosphate groups and positive magnesium ions represent a key structural feature of DNA and RNA embedded in water.…