
New infrared experiments in the ultra-short time range show that the first two layers of water around the DNA double helix fluctuate on a time scale…

The research association Berlin e.V. (FVB) mourns the laser physicist Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Sandner. He died on Saturday, December 5, unexpectedly…

The 50-year-old Eisebitt studied physics in Cologne and did his diploma thesis at the Institute for Solid State Research (IFF) of Forschungszentrum…

Excited atoms often decay by the emission of radiation, a process known as fluorescence. Another scenario can occur when an excited atom is surrounded…

The oscillation frequency of an optically heated electron plasma depends sensitively on the plasma temperature. Ultra-fast heating and cooling of a…

An important advance in the spectroscopy of soft X-ray liquid samples by a new flat-beam system paves the way for novel stationary and time-resolved…

For several years, there has been strong evidence that huge amounts of complex organic compounds have already formed in the interstellar clouds in the…

LASERLAB-EUROPE, the network of major European laser research facilities, can successfully look forward to a new phase of cooperation from 2015 to…

A new nonlinear, all-optical method for detecting chiral molecules has been proposed and demonstrated. It is significantly more sensitive than…

A comparative analysis of monster waves in different physical systems comes to the surprising conclusion that these rare events are by no means always…

The combination of ab-initio numerical experiments and theory shows that the optical tunneling of an electron from an atom can take place…

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) honors the scientist Geert Reitsma with the renowned Rubicon Grant for his research project…

A new mechanism in laser-plasma acceleration has been discovered for heavy ions, which causes a significant increase in kinetic ion energy by means of…

Surprisingly, the interaction of high-intensity laser radiation with atoms does not necessarily lead to ionization, but can also leave the atoms in…

The interaction of intense laser pulses with particles on a nanometer scale results in the generation of an expanding nanoplasm. In the past, the…

DNA stores our genetic code. Solar UV radiation is sufficiently high energy to break bonds in the DNA and thus cause DNA damage. However, even though…

Ultra-short light pulses from modern lasers allow the temporal resolution of even the fastest processes in molecules or solid-state materials. For…